Sunday, December 5, 2010

do what's it it right now!


do you like to be healthy??of course yes right!
everyone love to be healthy but do they keep the good lifestyle?

to be healthy, you and i should maintain our good and healthy lifestyle starting from the moment we wake up until the time we close our eyes to sleep.

In “Lifestyle Magazine”, the definition of living a healthy lifestyle means having balance in all areas of one’s life. We should consider at three factors of living a healthy lifestyle ,
eating right, exercising regularly, and keeping your mind calm and content.


Actually, a healthy eating is more about sensible and balanced meals. Let we see what is all about.

Having healthy meals at least 3 times per day

do you know why?

it’s vital to keep our brain and body to keep on focus and energetic.

Cooper's healthy meal wheel

Include varieties of foods in daily meals

well, as the saying goes, "the more the merrier ".

Do not limit our choice of food to specific group or type. Make it looks fun and varieties. Mixture of apple and salad should be a good choice for dinner. aro(undertand)?

Be wise in what we eat

avoid junk foods and unhealthy snack. as tempting as they might be , they cause the cholestrol to go straight to your hips. Take more whole meal cracker that can lowering our cholesterol level instead of junk food. yummi gummy..

looks yummy right but, should limit this junkie intake.

The last point is we should remember that a healthy lifestyle is also including a healthy eating style. It’ll be a nice initiative of having a better life by starting a good behavior of eating.

Exercising regularly is another important part to improve the quality of lifestyle. you should exercise a minimum of 3 days week for about 20 minutes. but i know we do not have time to do so. is it? i think an easy way to attain a nice amount of physical exercise is going for a walk with a friend in evening rather than you become a sleeping beauty. zzZZZ


Bear in your mind that,

someday, you could be a doctor, teacher, an engineer, and athlete enthusiast struggling to maintain your performance. Whoever you are, if you are not seriously taking care of your joints, one day it may come back to haunt you. Do you insist to dwell until that day arrives?

A great philosophy; “prevention is always better than cured” should be applied consciously to help your joints mobile and reduce the amount of stress on your joints and finally maintain your healthy lifestyle.

Have a look below and check some of the prevention techniques and remedies that could be applied for taking care of our joints:

1) Exercise regularly

It keeps you fit and can tone and strengthen muscles. It will prepare your body to bear more burdens due to the daily movements and help to keep joints mobile and flexible.

p/s:please focus on your body, not other's body!

2) Use joint health supplements

It’s vital to provide enough nutrients, especially when our joints are stressed. Supplementing your diet with joint health supplements, like natures best glucosamine, contain glucosamine sulfate and other important nutrients to repair and maintain your cartilage.

visit your nearest pharmacy to get ur supplement k!

3) Always stretch your muscles

Stretching your muscles also loosens your joints, which ensures more liberated movement and prevents straining, pulling and muscle tears.

i think we should do this before the lecture start. to prevent zZZZZZ.

do you get what i mean???

In conclusion, having a healthy lifestyle and adding right health supplements in your daily life will keep your joints mobile, enabling a wider range of movement now, and in later life.


human being cannot run away from having a problem and these might cause them to be in a state of depression.

Depression is recognized as a situation of low mood and hatred to activity. There are so many causes of it like loss of job, relationship problems, not having a great job, financial crisis, etc.

What so ever the causes, it has actively present us with bad feelings of sleeping problems, feeling tired, bad temper, sadness, loneliness, etc.

both are depress!!

In order to get back to a normal situation, many of us having anti-depression remedies and some of them may be end up with a very bad decision.

Do we realize that we are able to fight depression with natural ways and at no cost at all? Here,an example strategies to fight depression naturally.

Stop to blame yourself

It’s normal to blame yourself, but it never heals and recovers your depression. So, stop to feel guilty and start to accept the situation.

Tell your friend
Even it’s hard to tell your friend, it’s better than keeping it secret. Believe in me, you will feel better after ‘pouring’ your depression.

wow, such a good relationship.

Take care of your health
Health and depression is highly correlated. Some disease such as heart trouble and diabetes could be worsen if your health in unstable state.

whatever happen, just bear in ur mind that "i care for health care of myself"

for your pleasure and also to improve your understanding,
i'll leave you to MBLAQ with this video about healthy and unhealthy lifestyle.


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healthy quote

If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want. ~Elbert Hubbard

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